
Our Newest Members

Welcome to the membership of Open Door, Sara LaVoice and Micah Ehmke!  Sara's been a part of our church family for a long time, just making it official.  Micah moved to Memphis in August to be a part of Downline Ministries' Emerging Leaders. 

Christmas Fun Night


Bring the whole family and come out for our Christmas Family Fun Night on Saturday, December 7.  Bring some finger foods to share and plan on a good time of Christmas-themed games and a movie.  We will eat at 5:00PM.  The movie will start at 6:30PM.

Couples Christmas Fellowship Gathering


Couples Fellowship will meet on Friday, December 13, 7PM, at the home of Richard and Lisa Aitken.  Sign up at PerfectPotluck (or use the signup sheet at church) to bring some Christmas-style food. 
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